Tutors or tutoring businesses can have Wiztut accounts. The Wiztut accounts can be single user or multiuser account. The multiuser accounts are suitable for tutoring businesses or schools who wish to use the Wiztut environment for their provision of online teaching and learning. It is also suitable for those organisations who wish to provide a cheaper alternative for the expensive intelligent whiteboard in their classrooms and implement the new interactive teaching pedagogy that needs a portable whiteboard.
Our tutors and other member experts will benefit from our promotional advertising completely freely. Also when we find them customers, the payments that the customers pay will be made directly to them. Wiztut does not expect or deduct any commission from our the earning that our tutors and experts make from our customers. However we expect that the member tutors and experts use the Wiztut online whiteboard to hold all of their meetings and lessons. The only earning that Wiztut has is the charges that our tutors and other experts will pay to make use of our whiteboard. The cost for a 2 hours whiteboard session is very small and of course becomes smaller with larger purchases.
Hence we are very sensitive and quite observant about our members activities and should they benefit from our advertising and gain customers, but hold the sessions without using the Wiztut whiteboard, their accounts will immediately be disabled and after seeking compensation will be removed.
Tutors and member experts will have to be very responsive to the requests and messages they receive from our clients. They will have to attend the initial online teaching skill interview and will have to attend future periodic sessions with the objective to achieve the gold rank status.
Tutors and other member experts should not give to our clients their direct contact details such as telephone number, address and email address. In such cases we hold the rights to disable or remove your account from Wiztut.
Wiztut is the flagship under which many respected professionals are present and working, hence any action by any of the members that will compromise the reputation of this community or is in breach of the laws of the United Kingdom will result in their accounts to be disabled and/or removed and/or reported to the police which may follow by a legal action against them.