When you enter the whiteboard your tutor would know that you have entered. You will have to wait until your tutor calls you. When your tutor calls you the audio and video communication frame will open and will be shown on the top left of your whiteboard. To start with you should be able to hear your tutor only. To enable your tutor to hear and see you, the audio and video icons must be made green which means they are enabled. You can enable them by just clicking them. You can disable your audio and vide connection with your tutor by just clicking on the same icons.
Please remember that for your browser you must be using Google Chrome and make sure that whenever the whiteboard asks you to allow it to use the media of your computer, you must ALLOW. It is also important to make sure that in the URL of the whiteboard the HTTPS:// protocol has not been swapped with HTTP://. The S in the HTTPS establishes a secure link which is necessary for the audio and video communication.